amazon web services - Mongoose connection to mongodb on EC2 stuck on "Connecting" -

i created ubuntu machine on ec2 month or standard free tier image ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-trusty-14.04-amd64-server-20170110 (ami-49c9295f) running ubuntu 14.

mongoose version 3.8.40 mongodb version (mongoose dep in node modules) 1.4.38 mongodb version on server gives: mongodb shell version: 3.0.14

i've tried pretty straight forward connection examples such shown in project:

var dburi = 'mongodb://localhost/connectiontest'; mongoose.connect(dburi) mongoose.connection.on('connected', function () {   console.log('mongoose default connection open ' + dburi); } 

this works locally, not on ec2 server. i've tried switching "mongodb://" , "mongodb://" none has worked.

execution goes on line no connection established. when log connection state, it's on"connecting". same code worked on earlier ec2 ubuntu server had.

hope here can :) thanks


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