jquery - Why does my sign up button redirect to index.php? -

i'm confused, can't explain problem well. when click on sign button, redirects index.php. it's supposed check errors, not redirect or that. i've tried deleting bugs code, changing id's, changing css properties. adding , deleting jquery. have no idea how fix problem.


in success function, have tried remove window.open() , still redirects index.php on click of #check_signup. i'm going keep line there show original code suppose like. code isn't suppose redirecting because code hasn't reached success text yet.

what's suppose happen code checks errors through ajax through check_signup.php. page returns word "success" if code executed properly. code in script.js check word "success" before redirecting index.php.

i tried removing id #check_signup , page didn't redirect. when try make page alert on click of #check_signup, doesn't work. page redirecting before click element registered.

this code:


$(document).ready(function() {      /* sign page */    $("#check_signup").click(function() {     var username_signup = $("#signup_container input[key='username_signup']").val();     var email_signup = $("#signup_container input[key='email_signup']").val();     var password_signup = $("#signup_container input[key='password_signup']").val();       $.ajax({   type: "post",   url: "check_signup.php",   data: {username: username_signup, email: email_signup, password: password_signup},   success: function(data){     if(data.indexof("success")) {       window.open("index.php","_self");     } else {      $("#signup_container").html(data);     }   } });    }); }); 


<?php    require "connect.php";  ?>  <!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <title> website </title>      <!-- css files -->     <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=open+sans" rel="stylesheet">     <link href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">     <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css">      <!-- js files -->     <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>     <script src="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>     <script src='js/jquery.countdown.js'></script>     <script src='js/script.js'></script>   </head>    <body>      <!-- navigation -->    <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top">     <div class="container">          <div class="navbar-brand">             <a href="index.php"> <img src="http://logos-download.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/udemy_logo.png" class="img-responsive" id="logo"> </a>         </div>          <div class="pull-right">               <a href='login.php'> <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" id="login_button">login</button> </a>         </div>      </div> </nav>     <!-- end of navigation col-md-3 portfolio-item -->   <div class="container">     <div class="row vertical-offset-100">         <div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4" id='login_form'>             <div class="panel panel-default">                 <div class="panel-heading">                     <h3 class="panel-title">join free</h3>                 </div>                 <div class="panel-body" id='signup_container'>                     <form>                     <fieldset>                       <div class="form-group">                             <input class="form-control" placeholder="username" name="username" type="text" key='username_signup' autocomplete="off">                         </div>                          <div class="form-group">                             <input class="form-control" placeholder="email" name="email" type="text" key='email_signup' autocomplete="off">                         </div>                          <div class="form-group">                             <input class="form-control" placeholder="password" name="password" type="password" value="" key='password_signup' autocomplete="off">                         </div>                          <input class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" type="button" value="sign now" id='check_signup'>                     </fieldset>                     </form>                 </div>             </div>         </div>     </div> </div> <!-- end of login page --> 


   <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>      <script src='js/script.js'></script>  <?php  require "connect.php";  error_reporting(0);  // variables $username = $_post["username"]; $email = $_post["email"]; $password = $_post["password"]; $md5_password = md5($password);  // username  echo "  <form>                     <fieldset>";  if(strlen($username) < 3) {   echo "<div class='form-group has-error'>   <label class='control-label' for='inputerror1'>username requires 3 characters</label>   <input type='text' class='form-control' id='inputerror1' key='username_signup' value='$username'> </div>"; } else {   $username_count++; }  if(strlen($username) > 25) {   echo "<div class='form-group has-error'>   <label class='control-label' for='inputerror1'>the username limited 25 characters</label>   <input type='text' class='form-control' id='inputerror1' value='$username' key='username_signup'> </div>"; } else {   $username_count++; }  $check_user = $db->query("select * users username='$username'"); $num_user = $check_user->num_rows;  if($num_user == 0) {   $username_count++; } else {    echo "<div class='form-group has-error'>   <label class='control-label' for='inputerror1'>username taken </label>   <input type='text' class='form-control' id='inputerror1' value='$username' key='username_signup'> </div>"; }  if($username_count == 3) {   echo "<div class='form-group'>                            <input class='form-control' placeholder='username' name='username' type='text' id='username_signup' value='$username' key='username_signup'>                         </div>"; }  // end of username  // email  if (!filter_var($email, filter_validate_email)) {     // invalid emailaddress     echo "<div class='form-group has-error'>   <label class='control-label' for='inputerror1'>invalid email</label>   <input type='text' class='form-control' id='inputerror1' value='$email' key='email_signup'> </div>"; } else {   $email_count++; }  $check_email = $db->query("select * users email='$email'"); $num_email = $check_email->num_rows;  if($num_email == 0) {   $email_count++; } else {    echo "<div class='form-group has-error'>   <label class='control-label' for='inputerror1'>email taken</label>   <input type='text' class='form-control' id='inputerror1' value='$email' key='email_signup'> </div>"; }  if($email_count == 2) {   echo "<div class='form-group'>                            <input class='form-control' placeholder='username' name='username' type='text' id='username_signup' value='$email' key='email_signup'>                         </div>"; }  // end of email  // password  if(strlen($password) < 6) {   echo "<div class='form-group has-error'>   <label class='control-label' for='inputerror1'>password requires 6 characters</label>   <input type='password' class='form-control' id='inputerror1' value='$password' key='password_signup'> </div>"; } else {   $password_count++;   echo "<div class='form-group'>                            <input class='form-control' placeholder='password' name='password' type='password' id='password_signup' value='$password' key='password_signup'>                         </div>"; }  echo "<input class='btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block' type='button' value='sign now' id='check_signup'>                     </fieldset>                     </form>";  // end of password  if($username_count == 3 && $email_count == 2 && $password_count == 1) {   $db->query("insert users values('','$username','$email','$md5_password')");    $findid = $db->query("select * users username='$username' , password='$md5_password'");   $fetchid = $findid->fetch_object();   $real_id = $fetchid->id;    session_start();   $_session["username"] = $real_id;      echo "success";  }  ?> 

i know lot of code. have literally tried can think of. i'm sure it's simple bug, don't know how fix code. i'm trying fix code check errors , not redirect index.php.

i posted 1 before else out. maybe on correct path... tinker see fit , hope helps!!! :-)

notice few things: 1. not using form tags. eliminates normal actions of form submit , redirect issues browsers. means have handle redirect on own. 2. validation field done in php, , done before databases accessed. helps limit calls database , saves resources. 3. using mysqli , prepared statements. security purposes , should standard practice when coding anything. 4. checking number of characters greater , less in same if statments. keeps code clean. 5. closing connections after done them. both security , save resources on server. it's best practice. 6. using exceptions throughout code, throwing them when necessary. helps keeps code clean limiting number of if/else if/else loops have do.

//////////////// form html ////////////////  <div class="form" id="signupform">      <fieldset>          <div class="form-group">              <input class="form-control" placeholder="username" id="user" type="text" key='username_signup' autocomplete="off">          </div>          <div class="form-group">              <input class="form-control" placeholder="email" id="email" type="email" key='email_signup' autocomplete="off">          </div>          <div class="form-group">              <input class="form-control" placeholder="password" id="pass" type="password" key='password_signup' autocomplete="off">          </div>          <input class="btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block" type="button" value="sign now" id='signupbutton'>      </fieldset>  </div>    //////////////// jquery/ajax code ////////////////  <script>      // call form submit on click action     $('#signupbutton').on('click', function(e){          // prevent onclick propagating         e.stoppropagation();          // set variables form inputs         var user = $("#user").val(),             email = $('#email').val(),             pass = $('#pass').val();          // initiate ajax call external script         $.ajax({             type: 'post',             url: 'postpage.php',             data: {                 user    : user,                 email   : email,                 pass    : pass             },             success: function(data){                 if(data.indexof("success")) {                      // successful response                     var successmessage = data;                     alert(successmessage);                  }                 else {                      // error response                     var errormessage = data;                     alert(errormessage);                  }             }         });      });  </script>    //////////////// page post ajax ////////////////  <?  # start try/catch statement check thrown exceptions (error messages) try {      # check $_post initiate script     if( !empty($_post) ){          # loop through each post value         foreach( $_post $key => $val ){              # check if each post value empty , throw , exception , if not set variable             if( !empty($val) ){                  ${$key} = trim($val);              }              else {                  # throw exception (error message)                 throw new exception("error, missing fields.");              }          }          # check if $user alphanumeric , @ least 3 25 characters         if( !ctype_alnum($user) || strlen($user) < 3 || strlen($user) > 25 ){              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, username must alphanumeric , @ least 3 20 characters.");          }          # check if $email valid         if( filter_var($email, filter_validate_email) ){              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, invalid email.");          }          # check if $pass @ least 6 25 characters         if( strlen($pass) < 6 || strlen($pass) > 25 ){              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, password must @ least 6 25 characters.");          }          # connection data         $servername = "";         $username = "";         $password = "";         $dbname = "";          # make mysqli connection         $mysqli = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);          if ( $mysqli->connect_errno ) {              # throw connections error message             throw new exception("error, not connect database.");          }          # prepare query execution         $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("select `username`,`email` `users` `username` = ? or `email` = ?");          # bind 2 parameters statement         $stmt->bind_param("ss", $user, $email);          if ( $stmt === false ) {              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, not process data submitted.");          }          # excecute query         $stmt->execute();          if ( $stmt === false ) {              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, count not execute database query.");          }          # bind results variable         $stmt->bind_result($users);          # fetch data results         while($stmt->fetch()){              $foundusers = $users;          }          if ( $stmt === false ) {              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, not results database.");          }          # set counters username , emails found         $usernames = 0;         $emails = 0;          # loop through each database entry retrieved , check matching usernames , emails         foreach( $foundusers $thisuser ){              if( !empty($thisuser["email"]) && $thisuser["email"] == $email ){                  # add 1 $emails counter                 $emails++;              }              if( !empty($thisuser["username"]) && $thisuser["username"] == $user ){                  # add 1 $usernames counter                 $usernames++;              }          }          # close statement         $stmt->close();         $thread = $mysqli->thread_id;         $mysqli->kill($thread);           #check if matching usernames or emails found         if( $usernames > 0 || $emails > 0 ){              # check if $usernames , $emails counter great 0             if( $usernames >= 1 && $emails >= 1 ){                  # throw exception (error message)                 throw new exception("error, username & email taken.");              }              # check if $usernames counter great 0             if( $usernames >= 1 ) {                  # throw exception (error message)                 throw new exception("error, username taken.");              }              # check if $emails counter great 0             if( $emails >= 1 ) {                  # throw exception (error message)                 throw new exception("error, email taken.");              }          }          # make mysqli connection         $mysqli = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);          if ( $mysqli->connect_errno ) {              # throw connections error message             throw new exception("error, not connect database.");          }          # prepare query execution         $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("insert `users` ( `username`, `email`, `password`) values (?, ?, ?)");          # bind 2 parameters statement         $stmt->bind_param("sss", $user, $email, $pass);          if ( $stmt === false ) {              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, not process data submitted.");          }          # excecute query         $stmt->execute();          if ( $stmt === false ) {              # throw exception (error message)             throw new exception("error, count not execute database query.");          }          # close statement         $stmt->close();         $thread = $mysqli->thread_id;         $mysqli->kill($thread);          # echo success message         echo "success, account hase been created!";      }     else {          # throw exception (error message)         throw new exception("error, not initiate script.");      }  }  # catch exceptions thrown , output error catch( exception $e ) {      # check if statement still open , close     if($stmt){         $stmt->close();         $thread = $mysqli->thread_id;         $mysqli->kill($thread);     }      # echo success message         echo $e->getmessage();  } 
