xml - xsl choose when xpath not working -

i have following code. not appear trigger. want disable radio button 'overdraft' when 'personal' checked . if there easier ways or if can see doing wrong. have tried both options below.

<td class="label" colspan="1" width="50%">     <input class="label" type="radio" name="selectedfacilitytype" value="1" onclick="document.lending.selectedfacilitytypevalue.value=this.value">         <xsl:if test="facilitytype/options[@id='1']='checked'">             <xsl:attribute name="checked"/>         </xsl:if>         <!-- start -->         <xsl:if test="lettertype/type[@id='personal']='checked'">             <xsl:attribute disabled="disabled"/>         </xsl:if>         <!-- end -->     </input>overdraft  </td>  <xsl:choose>     <xsl:when test="lettertype/type[@id='personal']='checked'">         <td class="label" colspan="1" width="50%">             <input class="label" type="radio" name="selectedfacilitytype" value="1" onclick="document.lending.selectedfacilitytypevalue.value=this.value" disabled="disabled"></input>overdraft         </td>     </xsl:when>     <xsl:otherwise>          <td class="label" colspan="1" width="50%">             <input class="label" type="radio" name="selectedfacilitytype" value="1" onclick="document.lending.selectedfacilitytypevalue.value=this.value">             <xsl:if test="facilitytype/options[@id='1']='checked'">                 <xsl:attribute name="checked"/>             </xsl:if>             </input>overdraft         </td>     </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> 

sample xml:

<lending> <currentbaserate/> <lettertype>     <type id="personal">checked</type>     <type id="business"/>     <type id="limited"/> </lettertype> <saved/> <applicantdetails>     <name>         <title/>         <firstname/>         <surname/>     </name>     <address>         <addressline1/>         <addressline2/>         <addressline3/>         <addressline4/>         <addressline5/>     </address>     <ourref/>     <date/>     <salutation/>     <facilitysought/>     <signame/>     <sigposition/>     <signameadd/>     <sigpositionadd/> </applicantdetails> <facilitytype>     <options id="1">checked</options>     <options id="2"/>     <options id="3"/>     <options id="4"/>     <options id="5"/>     <options id="6"/>     <options id="7"/>     <options id="8"/> </facilitytype> 

for each xpath should use '//' before:

like instead of

<xsl:if test="facilitytype/options[@id='1']='checked'"> 


<xsl:if test="//facilitytype/options[@id='1']='checked'"> 

add in instance in script.

it can result desired output


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