java - Apache camel remote EJB call is failing through JBOSS EAP 6.4 -

ejb call successfull, if deployed in local machine. when if called remote jboss machine, below exception thrown

exchange-exception :java.lang.illegalstateexception: ejbclient000025: no ejb receiver available handling [appname:, modulename:ejbmavendemo-0.0.1-snapshot, distinctname:] combination invocation context org.jboss.ejb.client.ejbclientinvocationcontext@43a094bf @ org.jboss.ejb.client.ejbclientcontext.requireejbreceiver( @ org.jboss.ejb.client.receiverinterceptor.handleinvocation( 

configuration used in camel-context.xml below

click on link view xml details

not sure, missing. please advice

it can have several issues :

  • connection: connection broken
  • security : user/pass invalid
  • ejb missing: connected, ejb not there
  • ssl

the ejbclientcontext keep available receiver in map servers name key. if there more 1 server same name these entries lost.

if inside of server instance instance preferred , other instances same server name hidden. in case no ejb accessible available on such server.

  • check outbound-connection
  • check user , password @ destination server (note: need eap application user, not management user)
  • check secret value @ target server
  • check there no spaces left after specifying property in file.
  • enable org.jboss.ejb.client , org.jboss.remoting trace logging see detailed messages invocation @ client side.

jboss maintains persistent connection other server, when client sees message means there no connection server has ejb trying call, message logged when connection fails other server.


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