cmake - GDCM vtk msvc2013 -

i have built vtk 7.1.1 , qt 5.3.2 msvc2013. have downloaded gcdm , configured cmake no shared_lib. can build all_build project in gdcm solution configured cmake, install project can not built , gives me error:

1>------ build started: project: vtkgdcm, configuration: debug x64 ------ 1>  vtkimagemaptocolors16.cxx 1>c:\vtk\gdcm-2.6.7\utilities\vtk\vtkimagemaptocolors16.h(116): error c2555: 'vtkimagemaptocolors16::getmtime': overriding virtual function return type differs , not covariant 'vtkobject::getmtime' 1>          c:\vtk\vtk-7.1.1\common\core\vtkobject.h(107) : see declaration of 'vtkobject::getmtime' 2>------ build started: project: install, configuration: debug x64 ------ 2>  -- install configuration: "debug" 2>  cmake error @ cmake_install.cmake:31 (file): 2>    file install cannot find "c:/vtk/bin/../../../bin/vtkcommoncore-7.1.dll". 2>   2>   2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: command "setlocal 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: "c:\program files\cmake\bin\cmake.exe" -dbuild_type=debug -p cmake_install.cmake 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmend 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: :cmend 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: endlocal & call :cmerrorlevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmdone 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: :cmerrorlevel 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: exit /b %1 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: :cmdone 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :vcend 2>c:\program files (x86)\msbuild\microsoft.cpp\v4.0\v120\microsoft.cppcommon.targets(132,5): error msb3073: :vcend" exited code 1. ========== build: 0 succeeded, 2 failed, 17 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== 

it says can not find vtkcommoncore-7.1.dll ,and file not exist on vtk, .lib version of file exists. can save me?

i solved problem way: first, built .dll missing files building vtk using shared_libs option on.

secondly, jamey mentioned fixed error c2555 changing definition of getmtime in vtkimagemaptocolors16, apparently vtk version 7.1.1 not compatible gdcm 2.6. changed output type of getmtime function long int output of virtual function in vtkobject::getmtime.


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