c++ - Ogre3d: iterating through childnode error -

i have city node houses many building nodes, each of these wish grant new child-node. tells house role , sign have/role. can later used other functions. same .mesh (will later make sign) identify house what. shall randomly assigned. if try run following error. new ogre , adds weird code

error when trying launch

int citymanager::assignbuildingrole(ogre::scenenode * _citynode, int _numberofbuildings) {     std::stringstream nodename("buildingrolenode");     ogre::scenenode::childnodeiterator cnode = _citynode->getchilditerator();     std::vector <ogre::scenenode*> detachable;     while (cnode.hasmoreelements()) {         detachable.push_back((ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext());     }         (int = 0; < detachable.size(); i++) {             nodename << childiteration << "_" << parentiteration << "_" << i;             switch (rand() % 5) // assign building random proffessions giving them rolenode             {             case 0:                 _rolenode = ( ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext()->createchild(nodename.str());                 _signentity = manager->createentity("barrel.mesh");                 _rolenode->attachobject(_signentity);                 break;             case 1:                 _rolenode = (ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext()->createchild(nodename.str());                 _signentity = manager->createentity("barrel.mesh");                 _rolenode->attachobject(_signentity);                 break;             case 2:                 _rolenode = (ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext()->createchild(nodename.str());                 _signentity = manager->createentity("barrel.mesh");                 _rolenode->attachobject(_signentity);                 break;             case 3:                 _rolenode = (ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext()->createchild(nodename.str());                 _signentity = manager->createentity("barrel.mesh");                 _rolenode->attachobject(_signentity);                 break;             case 4:                 _rolenode = (ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext()->createchild(nodename.str());                 _signentity = manager->createentity("barrel.mesh");                 _rolenode->attachobject(_signentity);                 break;             default:                 break;             }         }      return role; } 

calling getnext on childnodeiterator not retrieve next element advance next element, too. see description in documentation

so iterating on children of _citynode , store every child in detachable vector.

while (cnode.hasmoreelements()) {   detachable.push_back((ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext()); } 

after these lines cnode points end of children list (specifically after last element, end() in std::map underlying data type)

if trying iterate further you'll error.

you can either use detachable next iteration (i guess that's why created it)

_rolenode = detachable[i]->createchild(nodename.str()); 

or child creation in while loop , don't use detachable @ all.

while (cnode.hasmoreelements()) {   ogre::scenenode* curr = (ogre::scenenode *)cnode.getnext();   switch (rand() % 5)   {   case 0:     _rolenode = curr->createchild(nodename.str());     _signentity = manager->createentity("barrel.mesh");     _rolenode->attachobject(_signentity);     break;   /* ... */   default:     break;   } } 
