java - Define source of a click? -
is possible define source of click? can access mainactivity through either clicking on recyclerview or through notification action. depending on is, need provide different info. there way of saying: if click recyclerview then..., else if notification action then...?
what can think of far this, problem not using buttons such:
button mclickbutton1 = (button)findviewbyid(; mclickbutton1.setonclicklistener(this); button mclickbutton2 = (button)findviewbyid(; mclickbutton2.setonclicklistener(this); public void onclick(view v) { switch (v.getid()) { case { // button 1 click break; } case { // button 2 click break; } } }
you have define 2 different calling intents same activity , put info each view example :
mclickbutton1.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener(){ public void onclick(view v) { intent view1_int = new intent (this, mainactivity.class); view1_int.putextra("calling intent" ,"recyclerview"); startaactivityforresult(view1_int); } }); mclickbutton2.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener(){ public void onclick(view v) { intent view2_int = new intent (this, mainactivity.class); view1_int.putextra("calling intent" ,"notification action"); startaactivityforresult(view1_int); } });
and in oncreate method in mainactivity can :
string callin_view; callin_view =getresources.getintent.getextras("calling_intent");
this retrieve name of calling source defined
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