php - How can I seperate the output of a wp_query into seperate sections -

i have wp query checking custom post types metafields.

i have 2 custom post types:

  1. country
  2. media

the country custom posts type created pull content of media post type into.

the media cpt contains 2 metafields:

  1. the first metafield media filter selection allows selection of "tv", "radio", "digital" , has id _rtl_media_filter.
  2. the second contains country associate post type , has id _rtl_country_filter, pulling country cpt name dropdown , can selected within media post type.

the aim display media types assiciated country cpt when country cpt viewed.

i have loop, works. wondering if can group single loops item media type _rtl_media_filter? rather creating multiple loops each?

<?php     // grab posts id     $post = $wp_query->post;     $this_id = $post->id;      // query meta vaules against posts id           $args = array(             'post_type'     => 'media',             'meta_query'    =>  array(                     'relation' => 'or',                         array( // tv                                 'relation' => 'and',                                 array(                                         'key' => '_rtl_media_filter',                                         'value' => 'tv',                                         'compare' => '=',                                 ),                                 array(                                         'key' => '_rtl_country_filter',                                         'value' => $this_id,                                         'compare' => '=',                                 ),                         ),                         array( // digital                                 'relation' => 'and',                                 array(                                         'key' => '_rtl_media_filter',                                         'value' => 'digital',                                         'compare' => '=',                                 ),                                 array(                                         'key' => '_rtl_country_filter',                                         'value' => $this_id,                                         'compare' => '=',                                 ),                         ),                         array( // radio                                 'relation' => 'and',                                 array(                                         'key' => '_rtl_media_filter',                                         'value' => 'radio',                                         'compare' => '=',                                 ),                                 array(                                         'key' => '_rtl_country_filter',                                         'value' => $this_id,                                         'compare' => '=',                                 ),                         ),                 ),            'posts_per_page' => -1,         );          $the_query = new wp_query( $args );          if($the_query -> have_posts()) :             while ($the_query -> have_posts()) : $the_query -> the_post();              echo '<h2>' . the_title() . '</h2>';              endwhile;             wp_reset_postdata();         endif;  ?> 

this how output:


itv | itv2 | itv3


radio 1 | radio2


hub 1 | hub 2

so after antonis pointed out ordering meta_value figured out way can done. else trying solution lies these couple of lines:

       'orderby' => 'meta_value',        'meta_key' => '_rtl_media_filter', 

add bottom of loop query.


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