
Showing posts from August, 2013

javascript - Protractor: element.getText() returns an object and not String -

i have element defined this.clientrowname = element('client_name')); //page object file i want read text in element "abc" doing: var client = page.clientrowname.gettext(); returns object instead of string. there other way can text element gettext() returns promise , need resolve it: page.clientrowname.gettext().then(function (text) { console.log(text); }); or, if want assert text, let expect() resolve promise you: expect(page.clientrowname.gettext()).toequal("abc"); promises , control flow documentation page should clear things up.

How to analyze windows 7 bsod error minidump? -

i got blue screen of death (bsod) error on laptop time ago. read online analyzing minidump file in "c:\windows\minidump" understand cause behind bsod error. (and point culprit driver causing error) i used online tool analyze error it created report not understand it. if can understand it, please let me know. link online crash analysis report: dump file location: laptop config: windows 7, 32 bit you whea_uncorrectable_error (124) bugcheck , measn there fatal hardware error: the whea_uncorrectable_error bug check has value of 0x00000124. bug check indicates fatal hardware error has occurred. using !errrec command in windbg , value parameter 2 see have internal timer issue intel i3-3217u cpu: =============================================================================== common platfor

c# - blank is a 'variable' but is used like a 'method' - why am I getting this? -

i have list of cleaners (linq class) trying remove 'cleaners if unconfirmed. here code. list<confirmcleaner> unconfirmed = context.confirmcleaners.where(d => d.confirmed == false).tolist(); list<cleaner> cleaners = context.cleaners.tolist(); list<cleaner> tempcleaners = new list<cleaner>(); foreach (var c in unconfirmed) { foreach(var r in cleaners){ if(c.cleanerid =={ tempcleaners.add(r); } } } list<cleaner> result = cleaners().except(tempcleaners()).tolist(); return result; why getting error : 'cleaners' 'variable' used 'method' the problem line: list<cleaner> result = cleaners().except(tempcleaners()).tolist(); you need change to: list<cleaner>

osx - How to access apache server in Centos running in virtual box from Mac host -

my configuration follows 1.mac host 2.virtual box centos6 selinux enabled connection between centos , mac 1.adapter1 - have configured nat port forwarding option. 2.adapter2 - host adapter. have static ip( assigned centos. can access apache server in virtualbox using cannot access same in mac can enable mac host? have ensured firewall options in centos turned off ssh , http.tried adding /etc/hosts in didn't work.

machine learning - Impact of Padding on the Similarity of two vectors -

say have 2 document vectors, x1 , x2. padded these 0 vectors have maximum document length contraint. impact similrity between 2 vectors? or in general how helping us? i can answer first part. not affect similarity between vectors. usually, in document handling, 1 use cosine distance between vectors. adding zeros, cosine distance not changed. increasing dimensionality adding zeros. exmaple, in 2 dimensional space [1, 2] , [3, 4] 2 points. in 3 dimensions, same points represented [1, 2, 0] , [3, 4, 0]. though dimension increased points remain same.

r - Reorder grouped bar plot within facets -

this question has answer here: reorder bars in geom_bar ggplot2 1 answer my third question today, learning lot all. i trying reorder bar groups within each facet$gap variable. gap difference between bars each y label, , need order within each facet go smallest largest gap. slightly different other reorder questions need consider within-facet ordering. normally simple bar plot factoring data set levels, though cannot make work here. data: structure(list(dept = structure(c(2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 2l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 1l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l, 5l), .label = c("distribution centre services", "it", "marketing", "merchandise & inventory", "operations , communication" ), class = "factor"), label

Javascript, How to control video iframe from Google Docs? -

javascript, how control video iframe google docs? <script> var doc_google_source = $("#doc_google_source").get(0); doc_google_source.controls = true;; </script> this code, not work , how can ?

c++ - Makefile won't be created -

i new c++, , trying following. using mac, have xcode installed , trying create makefile. have following files in folder: main.cpp foo.cpp foo.hpp i step folder , try command make. gives me following: make: *** no targets specified , no makefile found. stop. i tried "make main" gave: ld: symbol(s) not found architecture x86_64 clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation) make: *** [main] error 1 and other stuff above that. new makefile , not sure how create it. however, when sent files friend has ubuntu, typed in make , compiled immediately, not understand why not get. positive response , explanation how 1 procedures create makefile. supposed generated automatically, isn't it? or have write myself? i tried create makefile, , follow example, threw me error talking indents. thank you! you not create makefile running make , not create foo.cpp running c++ compiler. create makefile writing in editor, cr

android contacts unformatted and formatted number -

samsung galaxy s6 edge, android 6.0.1, microsoft exchange active sync. in app enumerate phone numbers person. people mobile phone number listed twice, 1 (manual) formatting use when enter number in outlook , 1 formatting removed. entered , displayed correctly: 010-123 45 67 people app gets: 0101234567. displayed if send sms person , android seems remember number , save invisibly in address book. if person in both outlook contacts , on phone contacts, formatted number visible. any clue how remove unformatted numbers? solved although i'm sure there better way. phonenumber = phonecursor.getstring(phonecursor.getcolumnindex(number)); string stripped = stripseparators(phonenumber); int count = thenumbers.size(); boolean present = false; (int = 0; < count; i++) { if (stripseparators(thenumbers.get(i)).equals(stripped) == true) { present = true; break; } } if (present == false) thenumbers.add(phonenumber);

javascript - populate div with data onchange with ajax(price filter) -

i creating price filter using ajax php, jquery , mysql, when price changed, want div populated new data. index.php <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { // initializing slider $( "#slider" ).slider({ range: true, min: 20000, max: 80000, values: [ 22000, 25000 ], slide: function( event, ui ) { // values var min = ui.values[0]; var max = ui.values[1]; $('#range').text(min+' - ' + max); // ajax request $.ajax({ url: 'getdata.php', type: 'post', data: {min:min,max:max}, success: function(response) { // updating div data $('#parent').remove(); $('#pa

javascript - Insert code into the page context using a content script -

i'm learning how create chrome extensions. started developing 1 catch youtube events. want use youtube flash player (later try make compatible html5). manifest.json: { "name": "myextension", "version": "1.0", "description": "gotta catch youtube events!", "permissions": ["tabs", "http://*/*"], "content_scripts" : [{ "matches" : [ "*"], "js" : ["myscript.js"] }] } myscript.js: function state() { console.log("state changed!"); } var player = document.getelementbyid("movie_player"); player.addeventlistener("onstatechange", "state"); console.log("started!"); the problem console gives me "started!" , there no "state changed!" when play/pause youtube videos. when code put in console, worked. doing wrong?

javascript - d3 v4 js guage chart needle value shows between 0 to 180 , i want to show 0 to 10000 -

hi guys i'm new d3 js, struck in gauge chart in d3v4, have done gauge chart works fine problem needle values shows between 0 180, want show values between 0 10000. have json file {"total":5520,"red":2000,"green":5000,"yellow":3000 }, me , in advance. code is: <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <script src="script.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>guage</h1> <div id="g1"></div> <script src=""></script> <script> var width = 400; var height = 500; var padding = 100; var gaugemaxvalue = 10000; margin = { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 20 }; var svg = "#g1" ) .append( "svg" ) .attr( "width", width ) .attr( "height", height ); var arc =

Invalid Xpath - not equals to X amount of characters -

i trying xpath match variable1 = "text" , variable2 not equals 'ab' in first 2 characters , not equals 23 characters what have not seem valid xpath: /file[variable1='text'] , [variable2[substring(.,1,2) != ‘ab’]] , [variable2[substring!=(23)]] please help! as mentioned in comment, can use string-length() number of characters in variable : /book[variable1='text'] [variable2[substring(.,1.2)!='ab' , string-length()!=24]] alternatively, can use not(starts-with()) replace substring()!='xxx' : /book[variable1='text'] [variable2[not(starts-with(.,'ab')) , string-length()!=24]]

javascript - Font Awesome and Unicode Characters Materialize -

i using google's css framework materialize nice. this framework has own select element dynamically changes ul. i using fontawesome icons css framework , idea put icon in select follows <select name="note[type]"> <option value="1"><i class="fa fa-car"></i>car</option> </select> but not display icon on other hand if write: &#xf07e; instead of <i> tag gets displayed correctly (note not actual code of car icon). so question is: fill icons dynamically database, there way icon class such fa-car unicode character via php/javascript? thanks , regards i have solved in own way here answer might have problem: first of on stackoverflow found how breakcss array using function: private function breakcss($css) { $results = array(); preg_match_all('/(.+?)\s?\{\s?(.+?)\s?\}/', $css, $matches); foreach($matches[0] $i=>$original) foreach(explode(';',

Why IONIC creating android-armv7-debug.apk and android-x86-debug.apk -

i creating ionic 2 app , working , ionic build android command creating android-debug.apk testing not sure change affected , creating android-armv7-debug.apk , android-x86-debug.apk files higher in size 50mb , tried --release parameter creating same unsigned files. question:- 1) changes might have affected this? 2) how can build android-debug.apk , android-release-unsigned.apk builds? thanks sanny instead of command have used, use below 1 , see that. note: path: ..\platforms\android\build\outputs\apk generated.before running below command remove old apk's. ionic run android --device or can run on emulator ionic emulate android

c++ - What happens when the number of possible virtual addresses are exceeded -

suppose i'm writing program environment has 32 bits virtual spaces addresses (4294967296 addresses), happens if create more 4294967296 variables, exceeding number of possible addresses? or programs in environment collectively use on 4294967296 addresses? what happens if create more 4294967296 variables i guess confused. don't create variables. practically use c dynamic memory allocation (using malloc & free , friends ) or c++ dynamic memory allocation (e.g. dynamic memory management , above low level memory management ::operator new , which, in many implementations using malloc ). notice malloc (in c) , new (in c++) don't create fresh variables. allocating fresh memory zones address go 1 pointer variable, if code int *ptr = malloc(100000*sizeof(int); in c, or int* ptr = new int[100000]; in c++ .... a variable (in c or c++) source code thing has name (e.g. ptr or x000002 or array in answer here) , scope . during execution, locations ma

Infinite Scroll in Vaadin Grid With Angular 2 Application -

i new angular 2. stuck in problem , require directive. have vaadin grid shows data fetched server. 10 records fetched in 1 api hit , there 80 records. want provide scroll in vaadin grid , when uers's scroll , vaadin grid loads next set of data hitting api. grid <vaadin-grid #grid [items]="employee" (scroll)="onscroll($event)" (sort-order-changed)="onsortorderchanged($event)"> <table> <colgroup> <col name="name" flex="1" sortable> <col name="age" flex="1" sortable> <col name="college" flex="1" sortable> <col name="address" max-width="750" flex=3> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th>name</th> <th>age</th> <th>college</th> <th>address</th> </tr> </thead> </table> i not able design following gri

eclipse - tsqoopImport required jdk exception -

i using tsqoopimport copy data mysql hdfs. when running job talend works fine. when invoking talend job using eclipse getting following error: 2017-04-07 10:39:53 info batchjob:172 - 10:39:53,250 info [sqoop] running sqoop version: 1.4.5 2017-04-07 10:39:53 info batchjob:172 - 10:39:53,281 warn [connfactory] $sqoop_conf_dir has not been set in environment. cannot check additional configuration. 2017-04-07 10:39:53 info batchjob:172 - 10:39:53,301 info [mysqlmanager] preparing use mysql streaming resultset. 2017-04-07 10:39:53 info batchjob:172 - 10:39:53,301 info [codegentool] beginning code generation 2017-04-07 10:39:53 info batchjob:172 - 10:39:53,331 info [sqlmanager] executing sql statement: select t.* employees t limit 1 2017-04-07 10:39:53 info batchjob:172 - 10:39:53,351 info [sqlmanager] executing sql statement: select t.* employees t limit 1 2017-04-07 10:39:53 info batchjob:172 - 10:39:53,361 info [compilationmanager] $hadoop_mapred_home not set 2017-04

ecmascript 6 - ReactJS - props or propTypes? -

when i'm reading props open source, see use of props , proptypes declare properties obtained parent. difference between two? 1 should used? for example: props source code export default class app extends component { props: { children: children }; render() { return ( <div> {this.props.children} </div> ); } } proptypes source code export default class board extends component { static proptypes = { getlists: proptypes.func.isrequired, movecard: proptypes.func.isrequired, movelist: proptypes.func.isrequired, lists: proptypes.array.isrequired, } ... } props actual properties sent react class. proptypes used define properties class supposed receive. should use both more props nice thing proptypes helps ensure correct type sent every property since define should be... meaning receive console warning saying invalid prop type passed component. more proptypes dont forget @ stack overflow

Specifying path of android project in package.json (react-native) -

is there way specify android project path in react-native package.json file. default project lies in same directory package.json, if android project lies outside directory? feasible so? tried searching official documentation of react-native, unable find relevant material there.

android - What is a correct way to send an array in POST request using Volley? -

when use postman, getting correct response (server processes "categories" array) server using request description below: with header: this request has raw representation: post /api/items http/1.1 host: www1. content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded cache-control: no-cache postman-token: c18f92ee-2f36-f4dd-2963-6bc6d1db0bdf items=247642&categories%5b%5d=12&categories%5b%5d=11 my question how represent described request fire correctly using volley library. have tried many variants, example: @override public byte[] getbody() throws authfailureerror { return "items=247642&categories%5b%5d=12".getbytes(); } @override public map<string, string> getheaders() throws authfailureerror { map<string,string> headers = super.getheaders(); headers.put("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); return headers; } but of them either don't encode "categories" array (so server

ruby on rails - ransack when i am use sort_link ignores search criteria -

good evening. i have code, when hit sort link ignores search criteria , sends event.all sort criteria i think problem on first load sets variables path , params empty well problem on lines wih ends unless params[:q] controller def index @q =[:q]) #predefined search items if no search @ @q.datum_eq=date.current() unless params[:q] unless params[:q] @events = @q.result end view <%= search_form_for @q ,:html => { :class => "form-inline" } |f| %> <%= f.search_field :datum_eq, class: 'form-control' %> <%=f.collection_select :cil_id_eq, sklad.all, :id, :name,{},{class: "form-control"}%> <%= sort_link(@q, :dodavatel) %> end params when went properly <actioncontroller::parameters {"utf8"=>"✓", "q"=>{"datum_eq"=>"20.04.2017", "cil_id_eq"=>"1"}, "contro

c++ - Access child struct values in vector -

this question has answer here: what object slicing? 15 answers i have object structs this: struct object { string type; color c; float ambient, diffuse; }; struct sphere: object { point center; float radius; }; struct square: object { point loc; float len; }; and have vector filled sphere , square structs: vector<object> objs; sphere sp = //sphere stuff square sq = //square stuff objs.push_back(sp); objs.push_back(sq); i can access values in parent struct fine, having trouble figuring out how access values in sphere , square structs. doing right now: cout << << endl; //this works cout << << endl; //not working does know how this? you can't, don't exist more. not storing square s or sphere s in vector , storing object s. should read what object slicing

azure - Kubernetes install on ACS incomplete? -

i have tried 3 installs through portal , 1 through azure cli (with ubuntu on windows). each time deployment completes remotely run commands because fail "resource temporarily unavailable". can ssh master server. when find kubectl commands come empty (nodes, pods, namespace, version). service --status-all not list single kubernete service (i expect see api service @ least). when creating through portal manually created spn , verified login azure it. during cli setup let install create spn. i have tried restarting master nothing changes. what missing? easy spinning tires.

java - Combining two accounts -

this homework assignment. need consolidate 2 accounts (acct2 , acct3) , produce third 1 same name, different account number , $200. have close first 2 accounts. not issue though. can work fine if not declare public static account accountconsolidate(account acct1, account acct2) static method, , create object in main. not work though because required declare method static. also, if declare static can proper return value in if( && acct1.acctnum != acct2.acctnum) if exclude `&& acct1.acctnum != acct2.acctnum other wise return null ("these 2 accounts not able consolidated. please check criteria again", not sure why. any great. thanks import java.util.random; public class account { private static int numaccounts = 0; private double balance; private static string name; private static double acctnum; static random gen = new random(); //-----------------------------

umbraco7 - How to approach mobile app content on Umbraco? -

we have website stores content both desktop , mobile app. mobile app retrieves content via umbraco rest api. as content on each page vary desktop , app, we've come solution - keeping separate documents per each version. hard maintain content managers. any known solutions problem? you create "mobile content" tab on regular doctype , put mobile specific fields there? urls same retrieve mobile specific fields through json. you make fallback if mobile field has no value, normal 1 instead.

java - How to optimize getFrameBuffer method to take less time to write an image? -

/*the method taking of time last call of read(adbchan,reply) method. possible send image directly server without saving first in device? if how? or can optimize method take less time */ static rawimage getframebuffer(inetsocketaddress adbsockaddr, device device) throws timeoutexception, adbcommandrejectedexception, ioexception { rawimage imageparams = new rawimage(); byte[] request = formadbrequest("framebuffer:"); //$non-nls-1$ byte[] nudge = { 0 }; byte[] reply; socketchannel adbchan = null; try { adbchan =; adbchan.configureblocking(false); setdevice(adbchan, device); write(adbchan, request); adbresponse resp = readadbresponse(adbchan, false); if (!resp.okay) { throw new adbcommandrejectedexception(resp.message); } reply = new byte[4];

How to use locale from Numeral.js in react-native? -

i want change currency format in numeral.js country. how that? did manage solve problem? i needed use pt-br , did it: import numeral "numeral"; import "numeral/locales/pt-br"; // switch between locales numeral.locale('pt-br'); //usage numeral(100).format("$0.00") // output r$100,00

How to create bubble tooltips in PyQt? -

i'd have tooltip looks below. don't know how pyqt's tooltips looks on windows i'm on linux , it's plain rectangle.

php - Worker process performing SOAP calls generates endless CLOSE_WAIT file descriptors -

i'm running php queue worker process processes jobs in turn create soap clients , perform soap requests. i'll try outline pseudo-code possible. jobs , parameters saved database instantiated worker. in simplified form, worker looks this: while(true) { $job = initiatefromdatabase($id); $job->handle() } for job soapclient instantiated , soap call performed. results saved database. the problem process pretty hit open file descriptor limit. after inspection lsof -a -p <worker_pid> there hundreds of tcp descriptors hanging in close_wait. i've done intensive research , conclusion there no way explicitly close soap connection (and underlying) socket. the way clear hundreds of close_wait descriptors kill worker process. how can make sure can run worker larger periods of time , make close_wait descriptors disappear after soapclient instance not used anymore? thanks in advance.

vagrant - Chef: Recipe Compile Error in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/couchbase/libraries/helper.rb cannot load such file -- chef/rest -

i have vagrant : vagrant 1.7.4, , devbox cookbook, when vagrant showing me compile error : recipe compile error in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/couchbase/libraries/helper.rb cannot load such file -- chef/rest . with same setup, same cookbook working other machines. full logs : can help? thank you check if you're using chef 13 pre release went today. if so, file indeed removed , cookbook needs updated. official chef 13 release on monday , take time reasonable number of cookbooks port it.

odbc - SAP HANA Smart Data Access: Can't count rows of virtual Table (Hive) -

i have hana express vm want interact hadoop cluster. have hive table connected via smart data access (sda) hana. works fine virtual table, can use sap hana studio querying hive data ( select statements), when try count table rows, exception in hana studio: select count(*) "system"."orctable"; leads following exception: could not execute 'select count(*) "system"."orctable"' in 602 ms 558 µs . sap dbtech jdbc: [403]: internal error: error opening cursor remote database [hortonworks][hardy] (35) error server: error code: '0' error message: 'executestatement finished operation state: error_state'. query "select count(*) hive.default.orctable orctable " i added new virtual table using uppercase letters virtual table name ( orctable ) in hana, hana uses uppercase default, same error! other tries: select count(1) "system"."orctable" select count(columna) "system"."or

How to find element Appium C# -

i'm new unit testing. have made number of unit tests. i'm using appium run tests , inspector find elements of objects. i'm trying run test on table can't see properties use access table. can find element using findelementbyname property element doesn't have name. there way find it's xpath or something? see image below of table , inspector tool.

rspec - Ruby on Rails - Adding user in test case -

i new unit testing , trying wrap head around it. situation have article form user can enter title , description , on clicking create article article should created logged in user can perform operation need test this. since new thinking, i create user first save session thats how system checks if user logged in (but thinking not browser logic might not work), how submit form logged in user? here try require 'rails_helper' rspec.feature 'adding article' scenario 'allow user add article' @user = user.create(:email => "", :password => 'password', :username => 'saadia1') session[:user_id] = visit new_article_path # @article = eql(@user = user.find_by(id: 6)) fill_in "title", with: "my title" fill_in "description", with: "my description" click_on("create ar

Excel VBA: get specific table data from html table -

i'm trying pull main data table website using innerhtml , looping through bunch of different table data , mess (tried webquerytable format isn't right me) is there way extract main data table? sorry bad communication, new vba , don't know how correctly explain sitaution. here's far: sub html_table_to_excel() dim htm object dim tr object dim td object dim tab1 object 'replace url of webpage want download web_url = vba.trim(sheets(1).cells(1, 1)) 'create htmlfile object set html_content = createobject("htmlfile") 'get webpage content htmlfile object createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp") .open "get", web_url, false .send html_content.body.innerhtml = .responsetext end column_num_to_start = 1 irow = 2 icol = column_num_to_start itable = 10 'loop through each table , download exc

php - Can't select data with PDO -

i want select data (at all) pdo (always used mysqli) external database. connects, , query works on server directly mysql. php, doesn't. here's code: <?php $hostname = 'localhost'; $username = 'user'; $password = 'pass'; function testdb_connect ($hostname, $username, $password){ $dbh = new pdo("mysql:host=$hostname;dbname=database", $username, $password); return $dbh; } try { $dbh = testdb_connect ($hostname, $username, $password); echo 'connected database'; } catch(pdoexception $e) { echo $e->getmessage(); } $sql= "select * table limit 10;"; echo "<br/>"; echo $sql; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $row = $stmt->fetchobject(); echo $row->id; it shows "connected database", , "echo $sql" part, doesn't display information. your first part of question have been solved. now i want print 10 rows instead of first on

docker - Windows Containers hosted on Windows 10 lose their DNS -

i'm facing situation windows based containers lose ability resolve dns. this happens to start container test dns resolving docker run -it microsoft/windowsservercore powershell from inside container test-netconnection -port 443 fails with ps c:> test-netconnection -port 443 warning: name resolution of failed -- status: temporary error during hostname resolution , means local server did not receive response authoritative server computername : remoteaddress : interfacealias : sourceaddress : pingsucceeded : false but should this ps c:\users\asarafian> test-netconnection -port 443 computername : remoteaddress : remoteport : 443 interfacealias : vethernet (external virtual switch) sourceaddress : tcptestsucceeded : true i hybernate workstation (windows 10) , on operate hyper-v instances , docker. workstation wi

continuous integration - Setting the version number for .NET Core projects - CSPROJ - not JSON projects -

this question similar setting version number .net core projects , not same. using latest stable version of .net core @ time of writing (1.1) , vs2017, .net core has switched json based project files csproj files. so - trying set ci environment able modify something prior build stamp builds correct version number. if use attributes old (sharedassemblyinfo.cs trick): [assembly: assemblyfileversion("")] [assembly: assemblyversion("")] somewhere in project, get cs0579 - duplicate 'system.reflection.assemblyfileversionattribute' and cs0579 - duplicate 'system.reflection.assemblyversionattribute' errors when building. when digging bit, find there file looks generated during build process (it doesn't exist before build) in \obj\debug\netcoreapp1.1 : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <auto-generated> // code generated tool. // runtime version:4.0.30319.4200