python requests - How to create a global variable for session and use it across test cases ( RobotFramework,REST API ) -

can let me know how create global session variable , session variable should used across keywords/testcases . have tried following way , getting error ${itoc_session} not found.

*** settings *** library           requestslibrary library           collections   *** keywords ***  create session server     @{auth}=  create list  admin  admin123     create session    httpbin  auth=@{auth}     set global variable     ${itoc_session}      httpbin  policy server      ${resp}=  request  ${itoc_session}      uri=/policies/      log     ${resp.status_code}     :for   ${item}   in  @{resp.json()}     \   log  ${item}     \   ${get_policy_id}=    variable value    ${item['id']}     \   ${get_policy_name}=    variable value    ${item['name']}     \   log     ${get_policy_id},${get_policy_name}            set global variable    ${policy_id}      ${get_policy_id}   policy policyid     ${res}=   request    ${itoc_session}     uri = /policies/${policy_id}     log   ${res}     log   ${res.json()['name']} , ${res.json()['extreference']}    *** test case ***  get_policy_id      policy server  get_policy_details      policy policyid    

you never call create session server, variable never gets set.


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