javascript - I am trying to modify server side js. which takes an json file as input and render the data to produce html file. -

attached code takes json input , trying render data using script comes in proper format.

we need modify "json html.txt" server-side js, output in html input json .

attached image shows output @ right side.this output must in format.second image shows required format

<!doctype html>  <html>  <body>        <p id="demo"></p>    <script>    var statement, i, j, x = "";  statement = {  "financial statement:":  ["netincomeloss = ","- netincomelossattributabletononcontrollinginterest","+ profitloss = ","  + incomelossfromdiscontinuedoperationsneto...","  + incomelossfromcontinuingoperationsinclud... = ","    + apd_incomelossfromcontinuingoperationsbeforetaxes = ","      + operatingincomeloss = ","        + salesrevenuenet","        - costofgoodsandservicessold","        - sellinggeneralandadministrativeexpense","        - researchanddevelopmentexpense","        - restructuringcharges","        + apd_otherincomeexpensenet","      + incomelossfromequitymethodinvestments","      - interestexpense","    - incometaxexpensebenefit","earningspersharebasic = ","+ incomelossfromcontinuingoperationsperbasicshare","+ incomelossfromdiscontinuedoperationsnetoftaxperbasicshare","earningspersharediluted = ","+ incomelossfromcontinuingoperationsperdilutedshare","+ incomelossfromdiscontinuedoperationsneto..."],  "2009-12-31":[251.8,5,256.8,0,256.8,340.3,345,2173.5,1568.6,244.1,27.2,0,11.4,26.9,31.6,83.5,1.19e-06,1.19e-06,0,1.16e-06,1.16e-06,0],"2008-12-31":[68.6,5,73.6,-21.4,95,102.1,114.1,2195.3,1629.7,247,33.2,174.2,2.9,24.5,36.5,7.1,3.3e-07,4.3e-07,-1e-07,3.2e-07,4.2e-07,-1e-07]  }    var spacecount=[];  var financialstatement=[];       var othercolumns = [];    var output = '<table class="table" style="width:100%;"><tr>';    object.keys(statement).foreach(function (key, i) {      output += '<th><pre>' + key + '</pre></th>';      if (i > 0){        othercolumns.push(key);      }    });    output += '</tr>';      statement[object.keys(statement)[0]].foreach(function(val, i){      var total = false;      if (val.indexof('=') > -1){        total = true;      }           var printvalue = '<td><pre>' + val + '</pre></td>';      if (total){        printvalue = '<td><pre style="font-weight: bold;text-decoration: underline;">' + val + '</pre></td>';      }      othercolumns.foreach(function(key, j){        if (total){          printvalue += '<td><pre style="font-weight: bold;text-decoration: underline;">' + statement[key][i] + '</pre></td>';        }        else  {          printvalue += '<td><pre>' + statement[key][i] + '</pre></td>';        }      });      output += printvalue + '</tr>';    });    output += '</table>';     document.getelementbyid("demo").innerhtml = output;    </script>    </body>  </html>


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